When you walk through a museum, most items look brand new or near flawless, and many are. But when it comes to large exhibits like warplanes, most were used for a full service life and some may have even been heavily damaged. It is through the many long hours of restoration and rebuilding that they slowly return to a like-new apprearance. Most of it is cosmetic, though some collectors may go the extra mile and return them to full flight status.

This F4 Phantom is undergoing some painting on the lower deck of the USS Lexington aircraft carrier. Most of these restorations are performed by dedicated volunteers, many who served in the military and possibly worked with such airplanes.

This F4 Phantom is undergoing some painting on the lower deck of the USS Lexington aircraft carrier. Many such restorations are done by dedicated volunteers, many who served in the military and possibly worked with such airplanes. Photo by Tim Stanley Photography