There are things I like about all the seasons of the year. Where I live, you have only two seasons really, winter and summer. Spring and fall sneak by so fast they don’t  count. One of my favorite things about winter is the sky. Have you noticed how it differs from the rest of the year? Like an artist’s canvas, the beautiful brush strokes blend into one another, creating patterns and feathered swirls that only winter brings.  The puffy clouds of summer are cute, but just can’t compare to winter.

This was a last minute iPhone shot on the way home from work. 

There are things I like about all the seasons of the year. Where I live, you have only two seasons really, winter and summer. Spring and fall sneak by so fast they don't  count. One of my favorite things about winter is the sky. Have you noticed how it differs from the rest of the year? Like an artist's canvas, the beautiful brush strokes feather into one anther, creating patterns and feathered swirls that only winter brings. The puffy clouds of summer are cute, but just can't compare to winter. Photo by Tim Stanley Photography.