I wished I lived in an area that had more natural beauty close by. A few lakes or streams, or maybe some mountains or rolling hills would be nice. Anything to make a better foreground subject to sunsets would be desirable. As it is, parking lots and grocery stores just don’t seem to be the right subjects to place in front of a pretty sunset. The best that I might hope for during an impromptu sunset photo session is an empty field with a few trees in the distance, or maybe some tall grass and wildflowers. 

Even those fields are getting harder to find, as new development continues and more homes and stores overrun those empty lots. 

I wished I lived in an area that had more natural beauty close by. A few lakes or streams, or maybe some mountains or rolling hills would be nice. Anything to make a better foreground subject to sunsets would be desirable. As it is, parking lots and grocery stores just don't seem to be the right subjects to place in front of a pretty sunset. The best that I might hope for during an impromptu sunset photo session is an empty field with a few trees in the distance, or maybe some tall grass and wildflowers. Photo by Tim Stanley Photography.


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