The Radcliffe Camera (camera is Italian for room) is a building (on the right) in Oxford, England, built in 1737–1749 to house the Radcliffe Science Library. It is the earliest example in England of a circular library. It is built in three main stages externally and two stories internally, the upper one containing a gallery. More recently, the Radcliffe Science Library moved into another structure, including a building under the Radcliffe Square that holds over 600,00 books and a book store.. The Radcliffe Camera is now home to additional reading rooms of the Bodleian Library.

To the left is All Souls College, founded by Henry VI and Henry Chichele (fellow of New College and Archbishop of Canterbury), in 1438.  Today the College is primarily an academic research institution with strengths in the Humanities and Social and Theoretical Sciences.

Walking through Oxford is a great experience. This was one part of our trip that took self-control not to leave the group and run all over the place, like some whack-out-tourist on a sugar rush. Since you are ushered through on the tour, you are limited on the angles to shoot from, so you make do. The Radcliffe Camera is best seen atop a neighboring building, as the square is small. The building is tall, though not very wide. Be sure to put Oxford on your to-see list if you ever make across the pond.

The Radcliffe Square in Oxford University contains the Radcliffe Camera and the All Souls College. Photo by Tim Stanley Photography.



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