While in New Orleans, we visited two Civil War forts, the second being Ft. Macomb. This site is not open to the public, but we were granted special permission by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Louisiana for a morning photo shoot. The layout is very similar to Ft. Pike, just a few miles up the road.  Because Macomb is not currently open to the public though, it is not as manacured as Pike is. This did give it a bit more rustic look.

This scene is looking out from one of the perimeter tunnels, back towards the center of the fort. We want to thank the Louisiana Office of State Parks, the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, and the State of Louisiana Office of the Lieutenant Governor for the opportunity to visit and photograph this seldom visited landmark.


This scene is looking out from one of the perimeter tunnels, back towards the center of the fort. Photo by Tim Stanley Photography.