Yellow Hotrod

This yellow T-bucket is a great representation of a typical hotrod you might see at a car show. A small, lightweight body, with an oversized engine that just makes your mouth water. It’s made for…

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The meerkat or suricate is a small mammal belonging to the mongoose family and live in many south African deserts.   These little guys are fun to watch and can stand still for long periods before scampering away. They…

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Boot Rack

Throughout my high school years, my daily uniform was a pair of boots, jeans and a western shirt. But once I entered the workforce, the boots gave way to more…

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Funnel Cakes

Carnivals are a great example of a sensory overload. Colorful lights, music, fast moving rides, and food. The wonderful food includes the popular hot dog, popcorn, and cotton candy, but…

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Homemade Brew

There used to be a time that making your own adult beverages was against the law.These days, it seems there’s a micro-brewery popping up on every corner. For the do-it-yourselfer,…

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