My family and I just returned home from our big vacation for the year. We spent the last two weeks exploring the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia and Washington D.C. Plus, we had a chance to connect with cousins and family that we haven’t seen for some time, or my kids have ever met.
For my photographic itch, the mountains brought many beautiful, panoramic views at every bend in the road. The desire to pull over to the side of the highway and grab the camera was ever present, though I mustered all my resistance and maintained a steady course. I did fall victim to its calling on Skyline Drive and later in Washington D.C.
As time permits and I have a chance to process the images, I’ll start posting scenes from our travels. Along the way, there will be photos of newer and sometimes older events. You might think of it as a visual sample of my life as a family guy in the suburbs. I’m not a professional photographer. I have a day job and a family like most folks, so time for photography is grabbed when I can snatch it.
This blog isn’t as much for you, the reader, as it is for me; a photographer that needs a venue and purpose to stay motivated. I’ll be looking for quality more than quantity. That’s where the patience and your encouragement comes in. Thanks for taking the time to visit and I hope you’ll check back in soon.