I recall the newscaster saying that the “super moon” would be tonight since it was the closest to the earth in it’s rotation and would appear larger than normal. That sounded like a great excuse to grab a subject you don’t often see, so I commenced “Operation Super Moon.”. 

I searched on Google maps for a local area that might have an interesting foreground with a long view. I checked the time for the moonrise so I knew when to be there. I packed up the camera, telephoto, batteries, tripod and memory cards and headed out. To my surprise, the spot I selected was much prettier than I expected. It was a waterway in one of these master planned communities, under a bridge, looking east towards the horizon. With everything set and ready to go, I waited. 

And I waited. The time for the moonrise came and went and still no moon! It was about ten minutes later when the moon just “popped” into view. Apparently, there was a low cloud layer in the distance hiding it and by the time it rose into view, that large, over-sized, full moon we all hope to see was almost regular size. I snapped a few shots and moments later, it disappeared again.

And I waited. The time for the moonrise came and went and still no moon! It was about ten minutes later when the moon just


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