In the middle of winter, we start to wish the warmer weather was here. Of course, when it’s hot, we want the colder weather back. So I thought I would give you a taste of warmer weather and something to look forward to. (Sorry Mom. She hates it when I end a sentence with a preposition.)

I don’t know why, but it seems the only flower I have shot lately is the hibiscus.  It’s probably because I’m a guy, and I don’t notice flowers that often unless it’s so big, I can’t miss it. I doubled-check and I haven’t posted a fuchsia variety yet, so here you are.

Fuchsia, now that’s a word most men try not to use. I only typed it and didn’t say it out loud, so my manhood is still intact.


This pretty fuchsia hibiscus should give you a taste of warmer weather and something to look forward to. Photo by Tim Stanley Photography.